Surgery in India

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While our core business is that of offering medical treatment in India to foreign patients, we have built a range of services around this core competence, drawing directly from our relationships with top quality doctors, radiologists, hospitals, and laboratories & pharmaceutical companies in India.

If you are looking at the possibility of setting up a health care related business in your country, read on... you could well find a business idea in the section below.

Procurement Services

Hospital Project Services

Consultancy services for design / start up / expansion of hospitals

Telemedicine Services

The term telemedicine refers to the process by which a medical specialist located in India is able to actually see, speak and interact with a patient located in your country. He is also able to receive medical data such as ECG reports etc., view them and confer immediately with the patient’s doctor. Thus, a three way interaction between the patient , the doctor in your country and the Indian specialist is facilitated on a real-time basis

The benefits of telemedicine are as follows :

Teleradiology Services

Teleradiology refers to the use of information and communication technologies in order to facilitate the capture of medical imaging (xrays, CT, etc.) at one location and having these images read by radiologists at another location which can be thousands of miles away.

Special teleradiology software allows the transmission of medical images via broadband internet from one location to another in a seamless fashion, without any loss of image resolution. The software is quite economical and the technology is very reliable. Hence, with a reliable broadband link, teleradiology is a very practical and cost effective solution in the following situations :

Outreach services

We provide outreach services such as Medical Camps, visits of specialist doctors to your country, etc.

Recruitment Of Medical Professionals

We offer you recruitment services for doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, laboratory technicians, biomedical engineers, experience for MRI,CT, etc

Quality Certification
of Hospitals